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Trump has been disfavored by Russians over his three-year-term as he failed to reset bilateral relations.
Public views of Russian-American relations (chilly and tense) have been unchanged for more than a year; the forecast is likely…
Germany was replaced with the USA as the global leader in terms of preparedness for the future.
More than one-third of Russians consider that the US-Russia relations will improve after the Putin’s meeting with Trump.
Every third Russian expects that Putin’s meeting with Trump will bring positive results
Russians are confident that the Korean crisis is caused by the U.S.A rather than the North Korea. Russia’s role, as seen by…
VCIOM-Sputnik data suggest that new American sanctions against Russia were perceived calmly by most of Russians.
After the meeting between the American president and the Russian president the attitudes of Russians towards D. Trump and the…
The VCIOM-Sputnik survey data suggest that Russia’s potential military rivals are the U.S. and Ukraine, and allies - Belarus,…