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Every tenth Russian has someone in the circle of friends who takes drugs; every sixth respondent aged 25-34 reports the same.
Every second respondent supports mandatory occupational vaccination for certain industries in Moscow and Moscow oblast.
Russians support mass vaccination and are willing to get vaccinated with a Russian vaccine.
Today’s realistic forecast of life span in Russia points to 78; however, the desired age is 85.
Kissing, hugging, shaking hands and even smiling have become less common forms of greeting amidst the pandemic.
Perceptions of seasonal ARVI after the pandemic have changed. Russians are extremely afraid that they can infect other people;…
Every second respondent would like to get vaccinated against COVID-19, if a vaccine is available. Most importantly, the…
Most of Russians are afraid of getting infected with the coronavirus (among them, 82% of Muscovites and 79% of Petersburgians)
Russian awareness of the coronavirus keeps rising. The threat is assessed as low. Russians are calm and consider the government’s…
According to surveys, the coronavirus spread and the voting on constitutional amendments has become top resonant events in…