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Smart city, as viewed by Russians, is not limited to the digitalization of urban services, it also includes advanced…
The percentage of Russians participating in charities has reached its highest record. Remarkably, today charity through funds and…
As the cold season is approaching the level of subjective happiness is in decline as usual. This year the decline rate is higher…
Every tenth Russian has someone in the circle of friends who takes drugs; every sixth respondent aged 25-34 reports the same.
Russians have not come to a consensus regarding childfree propaganda; the number of those who support it is almost the same as the…
Russians are still overly cautious when interacting with other people and often view them as selfish. Those who are financially…
Sixty percent of the surveyed Russians believe that multiethnicity makes Russians stronger. Twelve percent of respondents express…
An overwhelming majority of Russians would like to live in Russia and would like their children to live in Russia.
Three main goals of the modern Russian youth are to possess a private house, a car and to launch business. These are followed by…
Six in ten Russians would not move to another place if they could. Those living in the private sector show attachment to the place…