“Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes” (MPO), ISSN 2219-5467, a peer reviewed journal, publishes articles devoted to sociological study of public opinion, theory and methodology of sociological research, analyses of survey and experimental data concerning social, economic, political, cultural and other aspects of the society in Russia, its regions, and also abroad; reviews, fragments of coming books, as well as information about the scientific events from the leading sociological centers and organizations of the country, etc.
MPO adheres to the policy of open access: all materials are free for readers.
MPO is indexed by SCOPUS from 2016.
In the decision-making regarding publication of the submitted papers MPO is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Elsevier guidelines, and also by the standards and principles of the International Sociological Association. (See in details: https://wciom.com/our-journal/publication-ethics/).
Main headings of the MPO:
- State and society: state and political structures, authorities’ effectiveness evaluations, etc.
- Social diagnostics: social and managerial issues of social stratification, education, healthcare, religion, culture, etc.
- Theory and methodology: actual theoretical problems, social sciences methodology, applied methods of empirical research.
- Public opinion: cross-sectional analyses of home and international public opinion and behavioral surveys.
- Scientific life: information about scientific events.
While preparing a text to submit to the MPO, these general guidelines should be used:
- The articles submitted for publication should reflect the results of yet unpublished theoretical, methodological or/and empirical scientific study.
- For the purposes of peer review a manuscript text is set in Times New Roman or Arial at a font of preferably 12 points, and double spaced with margins of at least one inch all around the page, no hyphenation. Tables, drawings, graphics should not go beyond the margins.
- While the MPO holds no strict word-count limit, authors are advised to do their best to be concise; most referees are not accustomed to read papers larger than 6,500 words (some 32 pages at 200 words per page).
- The articles are submitted in a Word for Windows electronic file via electronic mail to the editorial office: kuleshova@wciom.com
- The articles submitted for publication must be stated in accordance with the standard requirements of the scientific style.
The text of the article should include the following mandatory elements:
- Information about authors: complete author(s) name(s), academic title, academic degree, job affiliation, city, country, e-mail, photo (current portrait in JPEG, PNG or BMP format, at least 300 px on the lower sides), ORCID or Research ID.
- Article title.
- Abstract: close to 100 words it should include your research question or problem (puzzle) and whys you have searched it, accurate description of your data, and main findings of your research. For critical evaluation it is necessary to clearly state what was done, why and what results were obtained.
- Key words: 6–10 key words.
- Reference list: MPO uses the author/date style of references:
Suits D. B. (1957) Use of Dummy Variables in Regression Equations. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 52. No. 280. P. 548—551. https://doi. org/10.2307/2281705.
Tolstova Yu. N. (2009) Measurement in Sociology: A Training Manual. 2-nd ed., rev. and add. Moscow: KDU. (in Russ.)
References to Web pages are to include the date accessed.
- Citations and quotes are referred in square brackets, including the reference with the page(s) cited: [Suits, 1957: 548].