Quality Control

Depending on the method that was utilized in the course of research, various quality control techniques are used in the process. As VCIOM’s organization of the data collection and analysis is based on the highest levels of quality control in all associated aspects, the Center carries out a number of specific steps in order to guarantee the quality of its work.
Thus, the Center provides a Random 20% Quality Control and a 100% Questionnaire Validation.

Interviewer Briefing and Training
Interviewer teams are specially trained for the research project. Mock interviews are compulsory for the sessions to ensure full understanding of the questionnaire. Such (mock) interviews provide the interviewers with the genuine experience with the particular study and will allow the VCIOM professionals to better adjust their knowledge and experience to the requirements of the study. On completion of interviewer training, all interviewers interview one of the field supervisors to ensure that they fully understand the interview process. Upon the training, interviewers are provided with a feedback and recommendations on specifics of carrying out the study.

The questionnaires are piloted prior to the survey phase, on a small sample of population. Instrument piloting is held upon item response analysis and ensures that the instrument is adequate to the planned study.

Random 20% Quality Control
Twenty percent of interviews go through a telephone quality control procedure. The procedure checks for the sampling, respondent qualification, length of interview, key questions, attitudes and professionalism of the interviewers.

100% Questionnaire Validation
At this stage a series of logics checks that were built into the questionnaire is analyzed.  Experienced field supervisors check and validate each question in each questionnaire. Logic checks are scrutinized for contradictory data collection.

Data processing
Data entry and its coding are also quality controlled. At a minimum, 10% of the coded questionnaires per coder per day shall be back-checked by the team supervisor.