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Fewer Russians hope for safer and freer Internet; now the world wide web is perceived more through the lens of risks.
Seven in ten Russians are concerned about the security of their personal data on the Internet. Nearly half of respondents are not…
Print media is inevitably going digital, but older Russians and rural area inhabitants still prefer local print media and…
Today’s cyberspace reveals not only opportunities (searching for information, learning, entertaining) but also threats. According…
Forty-six percent of Russians agree that the spread of the Internet leads to higher suicide rate; 81% of parents take action to…
Russians are aware that their personal data can be transferred to third parties and negatively perceive it; every second…
Over a year the number of Russians who go online to buy furniture, appliances and use online banking and electronic state services…
VCIOM and ‘Platforma’ Centre for Social Design Joint Analytical Report
Only 22% of Russians aged 18 and older say they do not have a PC.
Certain policies introduced to battle COVID-19 should be kept. Every second Russian considers that after COVID-19 the state…