Group chats are widely popular in Russia; almost eight out of ten Internet users participate in online chats. Parents’ chats are…
Fewer Russians hope for safer and freer Internet; now the world wide web is perceived more through the lens of risks.
Seven in ten Russians are concerned about the security of their personal data on the Internet. Nearly half of respondents are not…
Censorship in Russia is prohibited by the Constitution, however more than half of respondents consider it necessary.
Russians’ trust in information from social media and blogs keeps growing.
Russians are getting increasingly anxious about information security (insecurity).
Negative connotations related to the foreign agent status in public mind are strengthening.
Most of the Russians use social media platforms and messengers on a daily basis. Every second Russian signs up with a new platform…
The rating of public trust in mass media is headed by television; social networks, online blogs hold the last place.
Print media is inevitably going digital, but older Russians and rural area inhabitants still prefer local print media and…
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