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Russian awareness of the coronavirus keeps rising. The threat is assessed as low. Russians are calm and consider the government’s…
Trying to answer the VCIOM’s questions, the residents of Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol are recollecting the Crimean spring and…
According to surveys, the coronavirus spread and the voting on constitutional amendments has become top resonant events in…
Trump has been disfavored by Russians over his three-year-term as he failed to reset bilateral relations.
Russian Public Opinion Research Center and Center for Current Policy (CCP) present a joint study following the Normandy Four…
Public views of Russian-American relations (chilly and tense) have been unchanged for more than a year; the forecast is likely…
The memory of the Berlin Wall, its construction and fall disappears.
External military threat to Russia is decreasing, Russians say.
Russians are getting more and more skeptical about the U.N. effectiveness. The Russia’s membership in the U.N. does not yield…
Germany was replaced with the USA as the global leader in terms of preparedness for the future.