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More Russians go online amidst self-isolation
A grocery-hoarding frenzy amid the coronavirus outbreak is slowing down as more Russians begin to make sensible plans for grocery…
Russian awareness of the coronavirus keeps rising. The threat is assessed as low. Russians are calm and consider the government’s…
Trying to answer the VCIOM’s questions, the residents of Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol are recollecting the Crimean spring and…
Popularization of traditional values and demand for a “strong man” shape Russian views of women in politics
Every third respondent would not mind if their daughter chose a military career.
According to most of Russians, patriotism does not require unanimity but one should meet certain characteristics of patriotic…
Digitalization of the modern society is running rampant. The number of those dreaming of a digital detox, i.e. those willing to…
Russian Public Opinion Research Center and Center for Regional Policy Development present a rating of the most promising Russian…
Three-quarters of Russians are going to celebrate the Orthodox Christmas; 85% of Russians usually congratulate their family and…