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The popularity of most of non-system opposition leaders stopped rising.
The method to forecast elections by use of social media has proved itself by the example of Venezuela: as expected, Madura won…
One year after the presidential elections people who cast their vote for Putin admit that they did so because they trusted him. …
The electorate supported the initiative of the president to prohibit high-ranking officials from having foreign bank accounts…
The state o the Russian army is assessed as average by Russians. However most of respondents are confident that Sergey Shoygu will…
As Ukrainians, Russians enter the new year feeling joy.
Russians are quite skeptical about political prospects of Alexei Kudrin, as well as the political future of his liberal party.
Russians think that there are political prisoners in Russia, but they do not know their names.
Russians assess the work of the present government positively. They do believe that Putin should make staff changes after the…
The protest activity of Russians is going down. The interest of Russians toward elections has decreased. Russians express…