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Fewer Russians hope for safer and freer Internet; now the world wide web is perceived more through the lens of risks.
Nine out of ten Russians talk about Great Patriotic War in their family. Although memories of war change over time, the importance…
Easter is the third popular holiday in Russia; this year up to 85% of respondents are going to celebrate it.
More than half of Russians say that they can easily do without smartphones, however only every third respondent would be able to…
Happiness is back to the levels before the start of the special military operation.
Nine-in-ten Russians have favorable perceptions of future technologies; every fourth respondent considers Russia one of the most…
Russians believe that space has a small influence on their life. However, they are increasingly optimistic about extraterrestrial…
To secure the great power status, Russia must develop economy, break out of sanctions, successfully end the SMO and improve the…
Job satisfaction in Russia hit a record high. As unemployment rate is going down, the importance of pay is decreasing, but…
Three major advantages of the Chinese cars are affordable price, design, and multiple options; a key disadvantage is shorter life…